While uncertainty about the exact timing of Brexit looks set to linger on into 2020, chartered accountant Wylie & Bisset is advising Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to prepare for change now by applying for a Brexit Support Grant. Funded by the Scottish Government, the Brexit Support G
Scottish Government
In a new report for Common Weal, former chief statistician Jim Cuthbert examines the newly developed 'Mutual Investment Model' that the Scottish Government has adopted for at least some future public infrastructure projects.
A total of £50,000 is being invested to help increase the number of women working in Scottish aquaculture. The funding will deliver a mentoring scheme to support women already working in the sector to develop their careers, and a website to promote aquaculture and job opportunities to women.
Scotland’s economy would suffer significant damage under the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal, according to Scottish Government analysis.
GDP is now estimated to have fallen by 0.2% during the second quarter of 2019, according to statistics announced by the Scottish Government. The fall in output has been revised up from the first estimate of 0.3%, published on 18 September, because of stronger growth in the services sector.
Crown Estate Scotland has generated £11.4 million for the Scottish Government in 2018-19. The organisation has also delivered on key projects designed to deliver benefit for Scotland and increase community input into how Scottish Crown Estate is managed.
The Scottish Government has announced an £80 million funding package of support for Scottish agriculture.
A business academic at the University of Dundee will next month host an event aiming to encourage more ethnic minority women in the city to embrace entrepreneurship. Dr Norin Arshed, senior lecturer in entrepreneurship and innovation at the University’s School of Business, received fundin
Economy secretary Derek Mackay has written to businesses to urge them to prepare for the consequences of Brexit, and inform them of the support available from the Scottish Government. Writing ahead of a visit to the Scottish Enterprise (SE) Prepare for Brexit control hub in Clydebank by ministe
A total of 15 social enterprise start-ups have been awarded a share of £175,000 in Firstport's latest round of funding. The Start It and Build It awards are part of the Scottish Government’s Social Entrepreneurs Fund.
Chartered accountants Wylie & Bisset is urging small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to consider what practical steps they can take now to make their business practices more environmentally sustainable to give them a competitive advantage ahead of the introduction of the proposed Circular Ec
Almost 9 in 10 (87%) of Scottish business leaders who offer flexible working say it has had a positive impact on their business, a Yougov report reveals.
A greater proportion of smaller Scottish firms are dissatisfied with their broadband service compared to the UK as a whole, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) research reveals.
The Scottish Labour Market Statistics for Jun-August 2019 released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have reported a 1.4% drop in the Scottish employment rate.
Projects which aim to help Scotland transition to a net-zero emissions economy by 2045 can now apply to be included in a new green investment programme.