Scotland has more registered businesses per head of population now than at any point over the last ten years, according to figures released by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).
Scottish Government
A total of £2 million in additional funding is now available for ambitious ideas to improve habitats, safeguard species and tackle the causes of biodiversity loss as the Biodiversity Challenge Fund (BCF) opens its latest round. The Scottish Government announced the £2m increase earlier t
The introduction of a tourist tax could lead to lucrative cruise liner traffic by-passing the Highlands, and even the whole of Scotland, the Chambers of Commerce for Inverness, Caithness and Lochaber and the Cairngorms Business Partnership have warned.
Scotland’s chief statistician has released the latest Council Tax Reduction (CTR) statistics which reveal that in September, Scotland’s CTR scheme supported 471,790 households.
The Scottish Government has taken the Ferguson Marine shipyard into public ownership. Administrators have now agreed the final terms of the transaction with Scottish ministers.
UKHospitality has today published an analysis that reveals that if a tourist tax was introduced across the country it will lead to a hit to the Scottish economy of over £200 million and the loss of nearly 6,000 jobs.
A planning application has been submitted for the development of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) situated at the centre of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) in Renfrewshire.
Finance secretary Derek Mackay has confirmed that due to the UK General Election and the cancellation of the UK Government budget, it will not be possible to publish the Scottish Budget 2020-21 until after Christmas. The Scottish Budget 2020-21 was scheduled to take place on December 12. A new date
Ayrshire Housing has received a £3 million Scottish charitable bond from Allia C&C. The loan supports Ayrshire Housing’s latest project in Ayr which is just getting underway. The 27 flat project includes housing for clients of the South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership wit
Scottish Canals today announced the results of an economic study showing £1.53 billion of investment in the canal corridors across Scotland since the re-opening of the Lowland inland waterways in 2002. The recently commissioned study by Peter Brett Associates (now part of Stantec) found that t
Holyrood’s finance and constitution committee has set out potential structural issues and the risk of ‘unintended consequences’ within the Fiscal Framework – the mechanism method by which partly determines Scotland’s budget. In its pre-budget report published today, the
Tourist sites in Scotland’s rural areas can now apply for a share of £3 million funding aimed at helping them meet the demand of growing visitor numbers.
DSL Business Finance has said that there is no evidence of a decline in the number of new companies being set up in Scotland, despite the uncertainty caused by Brexit. Stuart Yuill, executive director, said the company's pipeline of business leads remained unshaken, despite the increased political u
Leith-based digital growth services start-up Stampede launched today with £1 million seed funding from investors including Techstart Ventures, Galvanise Capital and angel investor Judy Wilson, as well as the Scottish Government. Previously known as BLACKBX, Stampede provides offline
Finance management company Foresight Group has opened an office in Edinburgh's George Street to support the deployments of the £20 million Foresight Scottish Growth Fund. Earlier in 2019, the Scottish Government announced the appointment of Foresight as one of the equity fund managers to