Mint Ventures

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Mint Ventures, the Scotland-based women-led angel investment group, is urging women across the nation to become angel investors – akin to Dragon's Den early stage investing – to re-balance the gender investment gap and provide greater funding for women and diverse founders This call to a

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Scottish women-led angel investment group Mint Ventures has invested in Hampshire-based legal case management platform Transparently. Founded by family law specialist Becki Sant-Cassia, Transparently enables clients to engage with lawyers through alternative service delivery models, allowing them to

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Gillian Fleming explores the transformative potential of increasing women's participation in angel investing. Women investing in early-stage unlisted companies, known as angel investing, at the same rate as men would see the status quo disrupted significantly. Creating a much more inclusive and dive

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Women angel investment group Mint Ventures hosted the ‘Women Backing Women Investment Summit Scotland’ event at the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters in Edinburgh last week. The event was hosted in collaboration with UKBAA to inspire and empower more women to become angel investors and

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Scottish clean tech software and data company Heero Technologies has clinched an investment worth £550,000 from The TRICAPITAL Syndicate, Scottish Enterprise, and Mint Ventures. The financial injection is intended to further develop and scale the business' energy efficiency application and web

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Mint Ventures, a women-led angel group that is democratising angel investment, has received funding from Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government’s Scottish Technology Ecosystem Fund for a series of regional roadshows to encourage more women to become angel investors, as well as helping

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