According to the latest study from CV-Library, 65.5% of Scots have said they’re willing to reskill and retrain in a new line of work following the coronavirus pandemic as a lack of jobs forces people to consider searching in different sectors.
Cv Library
The number of jobs being advertised in Scotland fell by 53.4% in July, according to the latest job market data from CV-Library.
Job vacancies in Scotland dropped drastically by 64.7% during the three months of the coronavirus lockdown, according to the latest quarterly job market report from CV-Library.
Competition for jobs across Scotland has intensified as job applications soared by 15.7%, according to the latest job market report from CV-Library.
Scotland's unemployment rate is now the highest in the UK, according to the latest Labour Market Statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Employer confidence has started to pick back up in some Scottish cities, according to the latest job market data from CV-Library.
Job vacancies have plummeted across all corners of Scotland in April, with adverts for jobs dropping by 60.1% compared to March, according to data from CV-Library.
As the UK gears up for its fourth general election since 2010, increased economic uncertainty has led to a significant drop in job advertisements across Scotland, new research from CV-Library has found. The research found that the number of advertisements fell by 14.4% month-on-month.