Scotland has the highest proportion of people living in working households across the UK according to new figures. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) statistics on Working and Workless Households 2004 to 2014 show that 56.7 per cent of people live in working households in Scotland (October to D
The number of women on company boards has almost doubled over the past four years to just under a quarter, according to new figures. It is close to the target that was set to be achieved by 2015 by Lord Davies of Abersoch four years ago.
Alliance Trust has said that it is surprised by a move by investor interest group ShareSoc to support a boardroom overhaul proposed by American activist group Elliott Investors. The Dundee-based investment giant is at the heart of a tussle with leading shareholder Elliott, a US fund agitating for bo
Sir Gerry Grimstone, chairman of Edinburgh-based insurance giant Standard Life, has spoken out on the prospect of a British exist from the European Union. Speaking yesterday at City Week, a conference on how to maintain Britain's competitiveness as a financial centre, Sir Gerry (pictured) left littl
The Green Investment Bank (GIB) has revealed a ground-breaking £200 million international pilot programme with the UK government.
The average cost of renting a Scottish property has risen just 1.1 per cent in the last year. The figure announced by Your Move represents the slowest increase in almost two years.
Scottish football clubs have seen a dramatic improvement in their financial health according to Begbies Traynor’s annual financial fitness test for the sport. In just the second season in which the accounts of football clubs in the English Premier League and Football League have come under the scr
A third of Scottish pubs have reported a slump in business in the wake of the new drink-drive limit introduced north of the border late last year, leading to industry bosses to condemn the move that they say in costing jobs and livelihoods. The reaction has come in the wake of The Bank of Scotland
Total, the French oil and gas giant, has been cleared by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to develop two gas fields north-west of Shetland. The company said the DECC had approved field development plans for its Edradour/Glenlivet project.
The latest figures from LMS have revealed that the value of monthly gross remortgage lending saw a decrease of 16 per cent in February to £3.5bn, down from the £4.1bn in January reported by the Council for Mortgage Lenders(CML) last week. LMS estimates the number of remortgage loans also fell by 1
Irn Bru has penned a three-year partnership with English The Football League to become its official soft drink partner. The deal spans clubs across the Sky Bet Championship, League One and League Two and will kick off during this year’s Play-Offs.
The Scottish economy slowed sharply in the three months to the end of February but expectations for the next six months remain elevated at levels only slightly below their pre-crisis level, and at their seventh highest quarterly level in more than seven years. The latest Business Monitor from Bank o
The UK inflation rate has fallen to a record low of 0 per cent. The official data for February reveals the lowest rate since records began.
Alliance Trust Savings has today announced that total assets on its platform have crossed the £7 billion mark. Currently 80 per cent of assets on the platform are invested and managed by customers directly, making the Dundee-based investment trust the 5th largest direct to customer savings platform
The number of cash sales on houses worth over half a million pounds was up 19.6 per cent in 2014, according to figures from Registers of Scotland (RoS). A total of 599 homes that were sold for upwards of £500,000 were paid for in cash last year, compared to 501 in 2013.