
22846-22860 of 25668 Articles
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French Duncan's new IT director Andrew Guy (left) is welcomed to the company by managing partner Graeme Finnie. Scottish accountancy firm French Duncan has appointed a new director to drive forward the company’s online and cloud-based services.

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Trading in shares in Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays was suspended today after stocks continued their dramatic post-Brexit plummet when markets opened again this morning. Edinburgh-based RBS, which is 73 percent owned by the UK government, and Barclays both fell more than ten per cent by mid-mor

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Martin Bell An emergency budget drawn up as a result of last week’s vote to leave the European Union could have significant tax implications, according to a leading Scots accountant.

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A survey of British businesses carried out by the Institute of Directors has revealed that the vast majority are bracing themselves for the negative impact of the Brexit vote as they prepare to cut investment and move activity overseas. The IoD found that 64 per cent of its members expect ‘Brexit

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Gross mortgage lending reached £18.2 billion in May, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders. Lending was 4 per cent higher than April (£17.6 billion), and 14 per cent higher than May 2015 (£16 billion), and the highest May figure since 2008 when gross lending reached £23.7 billion.

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Scottish businesses are waking up to the stark reality of leaving the European Union today, despite 62 per cent of voters north of the border backing ‘Remain’. The result prompted First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to declare Scotland had delivered a "strong, unequivocal vote" to remain in the EU.

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Perth-based investment house Braveheart Group has posted a £1.69 million pre-tax loss for the past year, widening from the £0.77m deficit reported a year earlier. The AIM-listed firm’s results for the year to March 31 covers a turbulent year that saw it successfully dispose of its 33 per cent in

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Tesco Bank, which employs most of its 4,000-strong workforce in Edinburgh and Glasgow and has its HQ in the Scottish capital, has revealed that sales were up 3.5 per cent in the quarter on strong lending growth. The news came as the challenger bank’s chief executive Benny Higgins had to be defende

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Anne Richards Anne Richards, who took over the Prudential’s investment arm M&G Investments this month after leaving Aberdeen Assest Management, has been awarded five tranches of notional shares to compensate her for unvested awards she missed out on when she left her role at AAM.

22846-22860 of 25668 Articles
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