West Lothian businessman distributes gifts to vulnerable families
One of West Lothian’s most prominent entrepreneurs, Michael Field, has stepped in to help support some of the region’s most vulnerable families hit by the COVID-19 lockdown.

Michael Field
The Seven Days of Lockdown Cheer event is the brainchild of Michael Field, managing director of Workflo Solutions in Livingston.
Mr Field is providing a number of gifts - from bikes to board games - for some families currently supported by several West Lothian charities, community groups and social workers.
He was inspired by the weekly NHS ‘Clap for Carers’ idea where he saw people coming together uplifted by a true sense of community spirit and support for frontline care workers. He saw how much of a positive impact this had on people’s mood and how it invoked a genuine sense of togetherness.
Mr Field said: “As a father of two young children myself, I started to think about how the lockdown must be affecting vulnerable children and families, so I decided to do something to help and created the idea of ‘Seven Days of Lockdown Cheer’ – where local charity and community groups can identify who might benefit from help, over the course of the week.
All our news and social media feeds are full of the negative effects of the COVID outbreak - the alarming death toll, job losses, companies forced into administration and so many other tales of hardship. Therefore, I hope something positive comes out of this initiative and we can put a smile on the faces of some local families hit hardest by the COVID-19 lockdown.”
This week will be spent getting the gifts to the children. Bikes have been a popular choice, so children can have the opportunity to exercise outdoors, and in some cases, provides respite for their parents or carers.
Equally, some community groups have suggested toys and gifts that deliver ‘fun’ education - tools, such as a butterfly garden set, so children can watch the life cycle develop from larvae to winged insect.
Mr Field added: “We’re just wanting to make life a little brighter in these difficult times for many families. ‘Seven Days of Lockdown Cheer’ is our way of supporting the fantastic social care infrastructure here in West Lothian and I’m delighted to be involved supporting them. They do a brilliant job.”
Seven Days of Lockdown Cheer commenced earlier this week and will finish on April 26.
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.