Vast majority of Scottish Chambers of Commerce members support EU membership

Scottish Chambers of CommerceThe results of a poll conducted by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce has revealed that 68 per cent of its members would vote for the UK to remain a member of the EU at the pendind referendum, “if the poll were held tomorrow”.

On the timing of the referendum a majority of the businesses wanted the poll to take place later than June, with 25 per cent of the 456 members who responded, backed a September poll and 26 per cent called for the referendum to be held next year, compared to just 20 per cent who supported a June date.

The poll also revealed that Scottish businesses place little importance on David Cameron’s EU negotiation, with two thirds (65 per cent) stating it was “unlikely” that the outcome of the negotiations would affect their voting intentions in either direction.

Commenting on the results of the poll, which were released today, Stephen Gethins MP, the SNP spokesperson on Europe, said: “All the polls show that a clear majority of Scottish businesses want to see Scotland remain at the heart of Europe.

“People across Scotland are focused on the big picture and want to see us grow our influence in the EU to the benefit of Scottish jobs, businesses, our economy and society.

“It is increasingly clear that David Cameron’s botched negotiation is of little relevance to voters in Scotland. From start to finish it has been a lesson in how to lose friends and alienate people – a process that has excluded the public and the UK’s devolved governments, and an approach that has damaged our important relationships across Europe.

“In a vain attempt to win back support from UKIP the Prime Minister has recklessly taken the UK to brink of leaving the EU. We cannot now allow Scotland to be dragged out against its will and that’s why the SNP will continue to make a vigorous and positive case for remaining in Europe.”

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