Tax fraudster issued with £127,000 payback order

A woman who was jailed over a £850,000 tax fraud carried out with her former husband has been ordered to pay £127,000 of the cash back.
Donna Mackay, 44, was jailed for almost four years after the massive tax scam carried out with Michael Howard, 45, while they ran their Motherwell-based multi-million pound security systems business.
The couple operated MDH Ltd from their £400,000 home in Lanarkshire and spent thousands of pounds on globetrotting and cars before investigators uncovered their crimes.
Mackay failed to pay £531,400.01 in VAT, £150,892.61 in income tax and £162,731.47 in National Insurance between February 2010 and December 2013.
Her ex was only convicted on the VAT charge.
She was sentenced to three years and nine months behind bars while her former partner was given a three year term for his role in the scheme in March.
Mackay was sentenced to a total of three years and nine months behind bars and now, at a hearing at Hamilton Sheriff Court, she was ordered to repay £127,000 of her illicitly gained cash.