‘SMEs finally seeing renewed commitment from financial services industry’

Hitachi CapitalEarly signs are emerging that SMEs are, at last, feeling supported by the Financial Services industry.

Compared with 12 months ago, SMEs appear to be significantly less critical of the industry’s willingness to lend (33 per cent), down 11 per cent on the same period in Q4 2014 (44 per cent), and there is a stronger sense of ‘partnership’ between the industry and small businesses (36 per cent vs. 42 per cent in Q4 2014), according to the latest research from Hitachi Capital’s quarterly British Business Barometer.

The research suggests that businesses are finally beginning to see rhetoric turned into action following Government initiatives such as planned legislative changes, the launch of the Funding for Lending Scheme and the National Loan Guarantee Scheme - all aimed at unlocking the stranglehold between SMEs and the more traditional banking sector.

Hitachi Capital also asked the 1,021 small UK businesses it surveyed what the financial services industry do to help support SME business growth.

The main findings were:

  • Better interest rates:With willingness to lend and a feeling of genuine partnership top on the priority list for growing businesses, there is also a greater call from businesses for better and more competitive lending rates from financial providers. It is not enough to pass the lending criteria, for 28 per cent of SMEs; they want the same competitive deals available in the market.
    • Transparency:Greater transparency on fees and charges (28 per cent) is also top of the agenda, although slightly less than 12 months ago (33 per cent Q4 2014).
      • The right finance for my business:In order for a genuine partnership to succeed, there must be a commitment from each side to flexibility and understanding - both qualities SMEs believe are currently lacking in the financial services sector. Over one in four (27 per cent) SMEs believe that the industry could do more to offer the appropriate flexible financial terms that would suit their individual business (31 per cent in 2014), and over one in five (23 per cent) would like their financial provider to have specialist sector knowledge so that they can offer them tailored financial solutions for their business (24 per cent in Q4 2014).
      • Gavin Wraith-Carter, General Manger at Hitachi Capital Business Finance, said: “The challenge for the financial services industry is how best to support small business owners growth ambitions, whether big or small. There is a huge appetite within the industry to help, and there is greater liquidity in the market now than there has ever been. It is encouraging that our research suggests that things are indeed getting better and that business owners are feeling a greater sense of partnership and commitment to their business. Our own recent agreement with the British Business Bank through the ENABLE programme, reinforces the industry’s commitment to understanding the specific needs of SMEs in offering tailored financial solutions that fit their business requirements. There is much more that can and needs to be done, and we are fully committed to help reshape access to funding options to small businesses in a way that suits their business needs.”

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