SFN survey: Most readers want to work from home more regularly
The majority of Scottish Financial News readers want to undertake more home working in the future, according to the results of our recent survey.

As we ease ever further out of lockdown restrictions, WFH looks set to become the default mode of working for some time yet, but office working and face-to-face client visits and business meetings will always play a key role across many sectors.
Unsurprisingly, 95% of our respondents said their organisation had made use of WFH during the coronavirus crisis. An overwhelming 100% of respondents also believe this trend will continue after the restrictions are eased.
On the whole, our respondents would like to work from home on a more regular basis, with 90% indicating that they would like to undertake more home working.
With schools being shut until August in Scotland, readers have highlighted the necessity for long-term home working practices to accommodate for childcare.
One respondent said: “I’m happy to blend my week with a mixture of home and office work. It’s going to have to be that for now as the schools not bring back full time creates childcare issues.”
Similarly, another respondent detailed the challenges faced when working from home and caring for young children. They said: “The only stumbling block for me has been the lack of childcare as both parents working full time from home, with a two-year-old at home, has been very challenging. Once childcare is available I would be keen to continue working from home in some capacity.”
Another one of our readers highlighted the shift in mentality surrounding home working which this period had brought as organisations who previously saw home working as impossible.
The respondent explained: “This period has proven that it is possible to carry out my role from home as the technology is more than satisfactory. Previously this would have only been permitted by my employer in exceptional circumstances.”
Our readers also indicated that working from home meant they were more productive as they were taking fewer breaks and generally had a better quality of life working in their home environment.
Another reader highlighted the reduction of travel time and costs with working from home with others detailing that travel time can now be spent working rather than commuting to their place of work.
One respondent has surmised the general consensus on home working. They said: “WFH should be the default going forward. I’m more productive, engaged and also safe.”
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.