Scottish transport investment outstrips rest of UK

Scottish_GovernmentScotland is investing twice as much per person on transport as England and has spent more per head on improving infrastructure than all other nations in the UK since 2007, according to new independent analysis.

The figures, compiled by researchers from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe), also show a rise in transport investment in Scotland from 2007 per head of population, while spending has dropped in England over the same period.

Jim Eadie MSP, Convenor of Holyrood’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee, has welcomed the findings as a significant endorsement of the SNP’s record in government – on improving transport connectivity for all of Scotland, boosting the economy and redressing years of neglect from the Labour and the Lib Dems in government.

Figures also show a substantial 43 per cent increase per head on spending on national roads with the SNP, 17 per cent more on local roads and an additional 8 per cent on local public transport – when compared to the previous Labour/Lib Dem administration.

For every single year that the SNP has been in government in Scotland it has invested more per head than England, Wales and Northern Ireland on transport infrastructure.

Mr Eadie said: “This is good news for people living in Scotland, for visitors to our country and a significant boost to local businesses and the wider economy.”

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