Scottish retail sales grow in Q1

In 2019 Quarter 1, the quantity of retail sales in Scotland grew by 1.2 per cent compared to the previous quarter, according to the Retail Sales Index Scotland (RSIS) which was published today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.

Scottish retail sales grow in Q1

Over the same period Great Britain as a whole saw a 1.6 per cent increase.

The value of Retail Sales (not adjusted for inflation) grew by 1.1 per cent during the first quarter of 2019. Over the same period Great Britain as a whole saw a 1.6 per cent increase.

David Lonsdale, director of the Scottish Retail Consortium, said: “These welcome figures highlight positive growth in the value of retail sales over the first quarter of 2019 and broadly mirror the findings of our own industry monitors. Going forward, retailers will be buoyed by news that growth in household incomes continues to outpace inflation, albeit modestly. The crucial factor is whether household finances continue to improve, despite headwinds such as recent increases to council tax and minimum pension contributions, and translate into higher levels of confidence and more transactions.

“The industry is undergoing profound structural change which is upending many business models, and government at all levels can assist by keeping a tight lid on those costs under its control which impact retailers, and by keeping down the cost of living for consumers.”

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