Scottish retail industry set challenge for politicians

David Martin
David Martin

The Scottish Retail Consortium has today launched its final policy paper ahead of the 2016 Holyrood election setting out its key priorities on better regulation and red tape.

The SRC said it is setting out a range of proposals for each of the political parties designed to achieve what the body says would be a business regulatory environment that matches the twin ambition of shaping behaviours and outcomes whilst also supporting and securing growth, investment and innovation.

The proposals include:

  • Progressing with Primary Authority, with full implementation early in the new Parliament and committing to bring forward fresh legislation to ensure the Scottish scheme is up to date and in line with the UK scheme
  • Continue to support SRC principles and framework on government-sponsored voluntary regulation
  • Manage the cumulative burden of regulations through a retail industry audit of all current initiatives, introduce Inception Impact Assessments for both non-legislative and legislative regulations and commit to a yearly Parliamentary debate on the findings of the Regulatory Review Group’s Annual Report
  • Introduce a Retail Strategy in order that future public policy is reflective of the change ongoing within the industry
  • David Martin, SRC head of policy & external affairs said: “In an increasingly competitive and footloose global marketplace the need for Scotland to provide a regulatory environment that supports and encourages businesses to invest, grow and innovate here has never been as important as it is today.

    “There are many great reasons as a business to invest in Scotland and much progress has been made in recent years to ensure we have a smarter and better regulatory approach.

    “Nevertheless, for many businesses like those in the retail industry there is also a concern that the cumulative burden and cost of regulations is now out of kilter and requires a more holistic and balanced approach if we are to achieve our ambition of a Scotland that is the best place in the UK in which to do business.

    “The SRC stands ready with our policy proposals to work with all of the political parties to secure a better regulatory environment.”


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