Scottish Government publishes new strategy for international engagement

Angus Robertson
A new strategy has been published by the Scottish Government to help strengthen ties with key partners, increase economic opportunities and build on networks for both Scotland’s and international partners’ benefit.
The International Strategy sets out the outcomes the Scottish Government seeks to achieve through international engagement up to May 2026.
It focuses on three main themes:
- Economy, trade and investment;
- Climate change, biodiversity and renewable energy; and
- Relationships, influence and reputation.
The Strategy builds on the Government’s Global Affairs Framework and the recently published Feminist Approach to International Relations.
External affairs secretary Angus Robertson, said: “Since the beginning of devolution, all Scottish governments have been active on the international stage and this Government has a successful record of delivering internationally. Over the next three years, with support from our enterprise agencies, companies across Scotland will see £1.73 billion of planned international sales.
“In the long run, the UK’s potential productivity is predicted to be 4% lower due to Brexit. It is more important than ever that we pursue our ambitions to create a more successful and inclusive country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish and to make a positive contribution internationally while strengthening Scotland’s international profile. This includes taking a proactive role in engaging with European Union institutions and European partners on shared challenges and opportunities.
“Clearly with independence we would be able to deploy the full range of diplomatic options to promote and protect Scotland. But through our International Strategy we want to build on our strengths and seize global opportunities where we can.”