Scots more likely to know meaning of climate phrase ‘just transition’

Scots are more likely than people in the rest of the UK to know what “just transition” means, according to new research.
Business in the Community (BITC), the Prince’s Responsible Business Network, commissioned a YouGov survey on the just transition in September.
The survey was developed by BITC in association with YouGov and captured the views of over 8,000 UK adults regarding climate change and the just transition.
The results have been weighted to be nationally representative of the UK population by age, gender, social grade, ethnicity, and UK region and explored awareness of a just transition, views on climate change and the role of business in the climate crisis.
The survey found that six out of 10 of respondents in the UK believe using less energy and materials to create and deliver products and services is key, while seven out of 10 of those in Scotland are especially likely to think businesses should be using less energy and materials.
It also found that just under one-tenth (8%) have heard of the just transition, with younger respondents more likely to be aware. The survey found that in comparison to the three other nations, 14% of survey respondents in Scotland are more likely to be aware of this, reflecting perhaps the work of Scotland’s Just Transition Commission between 2019 and 2021.
Alan Thornburrow, Scotland director at Business in the Community, said: “Our survey found greater public awareness in Scotland for the just transition than the rest of the UK. People in Scotland aren’t just climate-aware, they care about how we deliver our climate targets and opportunity therein to shape a fairer, greener nation.
“We know only too well the mistakes of the past in Scotland and the wider UK. If we fail to effectively plan and manage the transition needed, we will almost certainly increase already deep inequality across our country.”
He added: “Our survey also found that 67% of Scots want to see businesses using less energy and materials, especially topical given the recent mapping of Scotland’s energy and product consumption levels. We know that businesses want to be part of the solution to the climate crisis, and they understand that they have a responsibility to do just that.
“With this in mind, and COP26 as a catalyst, Business in the Community in Scotland is committed to championing the just transition and providing practical support wherever possible.”