Scotch Whisky Action Fund commits over £115k of support to projects across Scotland

Mark Kent
The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) has announced nine projects that it will be supporting with more than £115,000 in funding over the coming year.
The investment is part of the industry’s ongoing commitment to promoting responsible consumption and tackle harmful drinking.
Five projects have been awarded funding for the first time. Four projects are receiving their second or third year of funding to support ongoing work.
The Scotch Whisky Action Fund was launched in 2013 and is administered by Foundation Scotland. Funding is given to projects taking an innovative approach to addressing the issues around alcohol misuse within a community or section of society.
To date the fund has provided £1 million of support to over 80 projects throughout Scotland. The SWAF also holds an annual learning event, bringing project representatives together to network, share learnings and identify and discuss common issues.
The projects, which range in location from Inverness to Galashiels, are committed to reducing alcohol harm by improving awareness and exploring key issues through activity sessions and workshops for youth workers and young people in schools, youth clubs and sports clubs. Some of the selected projects also provide counselling and support for families who have been impacted by the misuse of alcohol by a family member.
Dame Joan Stringer, who chaired the awards panel, said: “Tackling harmful alcohol consumption is a key issue for Scotland. These projects are undertaking important work, and we look forward to supporting them over the coming year.”
Mark Kent, chief executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, said: “The Scotch Whisky industry is committed to tackling alcohol misuse and raising awareness of the harm that it can do.
“The breadth of support provided by the projects chosen by the Scotch Whisky Action Fund is vital and inspiring, and we look forward to seeing their progress and learning more from their results next year.”