RBS reports 50 per cent increase in frozen credit cards following Hogmanay
More credit cards were frozen following Scotland’s Hogmanay celebrations than in any other day during December.
New Year’s Day saw a 46 per cent increase (compared with the week before) in the number of Royal Bank of Scotland customers freezing their credit card using the bank’s mobile app.
Data shows that as Scots woke up at the beginning of the year they were keen to ensure their credit cards were safe and secure.
The feature ensures the card can’t be used until unfrozen.
Customers often use the feature if they know where they have left their card and then reactivate it when it is back in their possession.
The feature helps customers avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Since launching in June almost 10,000 Royal Bank of Scotland customers have made use of the feature with almost 80 per cent of customers then going onto unfreeze the card.
Royal Bank of Scotland customers can download the bank’s app through Google Play or the Apple App store.