Quartet of Lloyds bosses rake in £6.3m after share sell-offs

Four senior executives at Edinburgh-based Lloyds Banking Group have sold more than £6.3 million worth of shares in the still partly state-owned lender.

On Friday, chief risk officer Juan Colombas and group director of consumer finance Antonio Lorenzo each cashed-in on 2.75 million shares sold at almost 87p each.

Group corporate affairs director Matt Young, meanwhile, disposed of 1.5 million and David Oldfield, interim head of retail banking, sold 300,000 shares.

All the shares were from their existing holdings rather than option schemes and all four continue to meet their current requirements to hold a minimum level of shares in the company, the bank said.

Shares in Lloyds are currently trading at close to their highest level in three years as the UK Government prepares to return the last of its stake in the bank to the private sector.

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