Philanthropist to gift 8,000 acres of land to Highland community

Philanthropist to gift 8,000 acres of land to Highland community

Part of Badentarbet Estate with the hills of Coigach and Assynt on the horizon (Image credit: Coigach Community Development Company)

Philanthropist Ian Wace, owner of Tanera Mor in the Summer Isles, is gifting a substantial sum to the Coigach Community Development Company (CCDC) to purchase the majority of the Badentarbat Estate near Achiltibuie in Wester Ross.

The coastal estate, encompassing approximately 8,887 acres of the Coigach Peninsula, is a diverse landscape of coastal townships, crofts, common grazings, moorland, and peatland, offering significant sporting, natural capital, and amenity potential. Listed on the market with a guide price of £2,750,000, the estate also includes the ownership of several of the small Summer Isles – covering 45.13 acres.

In a community meeting on 27 June, attended by more than 100 members, a “historic vote” was held on the “intent to take ownership of the land” though Mr Wace’s offer. The result was showed that 91% of attendees were in favour of the community ownership proposal.

This “unprecedented” move will empower the community to own and manage their land, potentially for generations to come. Mr Wace will retain a smaller portion of the estate, including Achnahaird Farm and a lodge.

Philanthropist to gift 8,000 acres of land to Highland community

Coigach residents taking part in the historic vote (Image credit: Coigach Community Development Company)

The CCDC expressed gratitude to Mr Wace for this “incredible opportunity”.

CCDC chairman Richard Willams said: “Coigach Community Development Company are delighted by the positive outcome of last night’s public meeting held in the Coigach Community Hall. We had a great turnout with around 50% of the village in attendance, both in person and via zoom.

“The event was ably chaired by Topher Dawson, from Ullapool, who presided over a respectful and informed discussion about the opportunity, risks and potential benefits.

“Representatives from Highlands & Islands Enterprises and Community Land Scotland were present too, and able to share the benefit of their experiences which contributed greatly to everyone’s understanding around the potential benefits and unprecedented nature of the opportunity being presented.

“The event concluded with a vote as to whether CCDC should proceed with the opportunity, which met with a resounding 90% of those eligible to vote in favour of the proposal.”

Mr Williams continued: “CCDC Directors are hugely grateful to Ian Wace for enabling this incredible opportunity for the community and we look forward to working with Ian and his team over the coming months to make this a reality.

“CCDC Directors have committed to working with all the Estate’s crofting townships to explore a transfer of the crofting title into their ownership, should they wish to do so.

“We look forward to working in partnership with the crofting tenants, with Summer Isles Enterprises and the wider community to realise the multitude of benefits now possible from this fabulous opportunity over the months and years ahead.”

CCDC chief executive Laura Hamlet said: “This was a truly historic and special moment to be part of. There was a hush across the room when the school roll of just eight pupils was mentioned.

“Building more housing in Coigach is our only chance of keeping our community alive and without a willing landowner, this is impossible. Now we have a generational chance to create places to live and work for families.

“I’m thrilled to be taking on this challenge with the excellent CCDC staff team. Offers of support have been flooding in from Community Land Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, even a Member of the Scottish Parliament.

“Most importantly, communities elsewhere in Scotland who have taken on the challenge of owning their own land have offered to help us. It’s really touching to be part of this network of communities making history and feel their support.”

Meeting chairperson Topher Dawson said: “It would be true to say that all big decisions come with risk and opportunity, so it is exciting to see that people recognise Ian Wace’s offer as much more of an opportunity than a risk. There were some great speeches in favour of the long term view and making opportunities for young people.

“Well done to Ian Wace as well, for investing in the community in this way. It is an act of faith in CCDC on his part, and I salute him for it.”

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