Peebles Media Group loses £200k email scam court case

Glasgow-based Peebles Media Group has lost a court case where they had called for former employee Patricia Reilly to pay back £107,984 to the company.
Ms Reilly lost her job at Peebles Media Group after she fell victim to a £200,000 email scam.
The Court of Session heard that a scammer posed as the company’s director Yvonne Bremner via email in October 2015. Ms Reilly was asked by the scammer to make several payments to an unknown company.
It was alleged, that Ms Reilly had previously ignored a warning from bankers concerning con artists scamming employees into making payments to companies.
Peebles Media Group tried to claim back £107,984 from Ms Reilly as this was the outstanding amount left unrecovered by the company after the bank refunded over £85,000 of the £200,000 paid out in the scam.
Ms Reilly argued that the company was also partly responsible for the scam because it had not provided any training on identifying fraud.