New hires strengthen Standard Life ethical investment team

Amanda Young
Amanda Young

Standard Life Investments has strengthened its ESG Investment Team with the hire of Marc Brammer and Sophie Rahm as Responsible Investment Analysts.

Marc Brammer joins from Inflection Point Capital Management and previously MSCI Inc, and Sophie Rahm joins from Schroders.

Reporting to Amanda Young, Head of Responsible Investment, Marc and Sophie will play an important role in the further integration of responsible investment considerations into the wider investment process and engaging with companies on environmental and social issues.

They are also part of the team that manages the criteria for Standard Life Investments’ UK range of ethical funds.

Commenting on the new appointments, Ms Young said: “We are delighted that Marc and Sophie have joined the team to further integrate ESG considerations into the wider investment process.

“At Standard Life Investments we are committed to being a responsible investor.

“We believe that it is important to be clear and informative on the major environmental, social and governance issues surrounding our own business, our investee companies and the world in which we live.”

She added: “ESG considerations have grown in importance over the last decade, as more investors become aware of the significance of how human rights, labour, environmental and business ethics impact on corporate conduct.

“We believe that companies concerned about the long-term interests of their shareholders should manage relationships with employees, suppliers and customers, and consider the long-term impact of their actions on the environment and society as a whole.”

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