New campaign links Scottish manufacturers with energy transition opportunities

New campaign links Scottish manufacturers with energy transition opportunities

A new campaign by Scotland’s national and international economic development agency Scottish Enterprise aims to alert businesses – particularly SMEs – to potential supply chain opportunities in the energy transition sector.

Spending on offshore wind is expected to reach £29 billion by 2030 under Scottish Government plans, and Scotland’s clean heat market is forecast to be worth £31bn this decade.

As Scotland’s oil and gas industry moves towards low carbon technologies, the agency will provide companies with the support and advice they need to help them diversify and grow.

Scottish Enterprise head of high value manufacturing Jerome Finlayson said: “The energy transition is the single biggest market opportunity for Scotland’s manufacturers, with significant opportunities in areas including offshore wind, hydrogen and clean heat.

“We’re focused on helping accelerate technology innovation, supply chain capability and investment in manufacturing and key infrastructure – such as ports and harbours – with the potential to double the number of companies operating across the energy sector.

“Our research shows that manufacturers need help to better understand how they can enter this market and take full advantage of these opportunities. That’s why we’re ramping up our efforts to target and support companies who could diversify.”

There are currently 169,000 skilled professionals employed in Scotland’s manufacturing sector.

In the first instance, the campaign by Scottish Enterprise will target companies identified as having a specific or potential link to the supply chain requirements of the energy transition sector.

A great example of this in action is Renfrew-based screw compressor manufacturer Howden, who is diversifying into the heat pump industry for the first time with Scottish Enterprise support.

The company historically worked with the oil and gas industry. Assisted by Scottish Enterprise, the company took a strategic decision to invest in innovation to develop new designs for its oil-free range of screw compressors.

Howden’s value stream leader David McMahon said: “Howden have seen huge growth in demand from the energy transition sector.

“Our global customers see the value Howden’s compressors can bring to these emerging markets.

“Howden and Scottish Enterprise have a long-standing relationship where we have been supported financially with launching new products. We continue to work with SE as we look to add new products to our portfolio to support these sectors.”

The campaign will call on manufacturers throughout Scotland to come forward and find out how they could get involved.

A campaign landing page on the Scottish Enterprise website provides more details on companies already successfully making the transition, factsheets on how to get involved, and further information on the kind of support Scottish Enterprise can provide.

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