M&D’s bought out of administration

M&D’s Theme Park has been bought out of administration after Michelle Elliot and Stuart Robb of Leonard Curtis Business Rescue & Recovery were appointed as administrators back in April.
Bosses of the theme park, which is based in Strathclyde Park near Glasgow, said that the centre is now under new management.
In a post on the M&D’s Facebook page, theme park staff wrote: “We are delighted to announce that Scotland’s Theme Park has been bought out of administration and has new management in place.
“In line with Scottish Government guidelines, we are working hard behind the scenes to be able to reopen Scotland’s Theme Park as well as Devil’s Island Adventure Golf, and Amazonia when restrictions have been lifted.”
Acknowledging the current coronavirus business restrictions, staff wrote: “We are working within the physical distancing guidelines as outlined by the Scottish Government, as well as introducing additional hand sanitising stations located throughout the park and Amazonia and look forward to welcoming you back in the near future.
“There will be some modifications when you come back to visit us and we’d ask that you bear with us during this period of change and adjustment.”
On April 24, Michelle Elliot and Stuart Robb of Leonard Curtis Business Rescue & Recovery were appointed as joint administrators of the park. The move saw 165 staff made redundant with immediate effect.