Lanarkshire sheep farmer bolsters bookkeeping business with e-learning challenge 

Kathryn Cowin
Kathryn Cowin

A tax specialist turned pet services business owner and sheep-farmer has found the balance between her love of numbers and love of animals by completing courses at a specialist UK-wide e-learning college to hone her bookkeeping and accounting skills.

Kathryn Cowin’s business, Black Blaze Bookkeeping, named after the Zwartbles sheep she raises on her South Lanarkshire small-holding, has 56 regular clients on the books.

Mrs Cowin, 40, from Hexham in Northumberland, studied mathematics at the University of St Andrews and started her career as a tax consultant studying to be a chartered accountant. But her love of animals was calling, and she started her own pet services business in 2004.

In 2013, missing an intellectual challenge, she joined 2000 other students at long-established online college Ideal Schools – studying to become a member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB).

Mrs Cowin said: “I needed to find the balance between my love of numbers, and my love of animals. It’s taken a while, but I think I’ve got there. I’ve enough clients to keep my mind occupied, and looking after the animals and the sheep keep me moving.

“I found Ideal Schools online, and did a bit of research on a few colleges. It was when I spoke to Brian McVean, one of its tutors, when I really felt they were for me. The set up, the support offered, and the tutor put me at ease.”

Black Blaze Bookkeeping has been growing through the South Lanarkshire business community by word of mouth and local advertising and now has four weekly clients, 30 tax completion clients, and 12 for quarterly accounts.

Mrs Cowin said: “I’ve found my happy balance now. I grew up on a farm and surrounded by greenery, but I needed a bit of brainwork to be happy and I’m delighted with both my businesses and the farm.

“I’d definitely recommend Ideal Schools to anyone thinking of taking the bookkeeping plunge. The support, the course materials and the tutors are all great. You feel like you’re not alone, and it’s a good all round package.”

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