Johnston Carmichael Laptop donation gives digital boost to Dundee community hub

Euan McLeod from Johnston Carmichael presents the firm’s gift to Paul Hastie from The Circle Dundee

Dundee-based community hub The Circle received a digital boost this week with a donation of 50 laptops from accountancy firm Johnston Carmichael.

The Circle, a social enterprise in Dundee, offers affordable workspace for charities, social enterprises and organisations.

Euan McLeod, Partner in Johnston Carmichael’s Perth office and board member of The Circle, said: “We are thrilled to be able to donate these laptops to The Circle. As a firm, we are committed to supporting the communities in which we live and work and The Circle is a very worthy recipient of this support. The Circle provides a vital Hub for charities and local organisations providing facilities to collaborate with other organisations and foster innovation.”

The 50 laptops and docking stations will be put to good use in the affordable office space which provides a vital base to work for 16 tenants.

Paul Hastie, manager of The Circle, said: “This is a fantastic gesture from Johnston Carmichael. It’s going to be invaluable for us here as we are keen to offer digital skills workshops as part of a community engagement programme. These workshops will be on a range of topics including online security, computing for the elderly and digital skills for the workplace.”

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