Holyrood appoints Ireland trade and investment tsar

Fiona Hyslop MSP
Fiona Hyslop

Scotland’s culture, Europe and external affairs secretary, Fiona Hyslop, has announced plans for a new Scottish innovation and investment hub to be opened in Dublin.

The scheme was revealed during a keynote speech at the European Movement conference in the Irish capital yesterday.

The hub, located within the British Embassy, will open in January 2016 and will be headed by John Webster, who is well-known in Ireland for his work at the embassy.

A statement from the Scottish Government said he “will lead a dedicated Scottish team to form new and enhance business relationships on both sides of the Irish Sea”.

The hub is part of the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government and will aim to “provide dedicated support to enhancing high-value economic, academic and innovation partnerships between Scotland and Ireland”.

Speaking in Dublin, Ms Hyslop, said: “The benefits of EU membership to Scotland and Ireland stretch far and wide. The EU is a vital export market for Scottish companies and accounted for nearly half of our international exports in 2013. It’s also estimated that over 300, 000 Scottish jobs are either directly or indirectly supported by exports within the EU.”

“Investment from Ireland is vital to Scotland and supports around 6, 000 jobs. Exports from Scotland to Ireland also support the Scottish economy to the tune of £920 million. The Dublin hub will provide firms with additional support to help them grow. Our dedicated staff will also have the expertise to give them an insight into what businesses are looking for.

“John Webster is a well-known diplomat here in Ireland and I welcome his appointment. John brings a wealth of experience to the Dublin hub and I’m sure his team will work well under his leadership. I look forward to returning to Ireland next year to discuss their achievements.”

Scottish exports to Ireland are worth £920 million, according to the latest figures.

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