Hie appoints Joanna Peteranna as director of operations

Joanna Peteranna
Joanna Peteranna has been appointed as director of area operations for Inse Gall at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
She took up the new post on 1 July after being promoted from area manager and will retain responsibility for Outer Hebrides.
Ms Peteranna will retain specific responsibility for Outer Hebrides.
Born and brought up in Paisley with a North Uist family, Joanna worked for Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh before settling in Benbecula in 2002.
She went on to work in the private and third sectors and joined HIE as a development manager for Uist and Barra in 2012, before becoming area manager in 2022, based in Benbecula.
Joanna has played a key role in a range on developments across the Outer Hebrides, working closely with public and private stakeholders. Joanna completed the Entrepreneurial Development Programme at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston and is a strong supporter of Gaelic having steered HIE’s latest Gaelic Plan.
She was also part of the Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic which reported to the Scottish Government in 2023. She also sings with Còisir Ghàidhlig Bharraigh and was involved in establishing Còisir Òigridh Ghàidhlig Nàiseanta na h-Alba.
Joanna Peteranna said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two years as area manager and I am delighted to take up this new role, which focuses on supporting businesses and communities across the Highlands and Islands.
“I am a strong believer in collaboration with partners as the best way to deliver more for the region and continue to make the Highlands and Islands a great place to live, work study and invest.”
Stuart Black, chief executive at HIE, added: “I am delighted to welcome Joanna as a permanent member of our leadership team. Her experience, both with HIE and prior to joining the organisation, will continue to be a great asset to us.
“This appointment shows our commitment to ensuring that colleagues based in our most fragile areas can reach the reach the highest level in the organisation. We congratulate Joanna in her appointment and wish her every success in the new role. “