Henderson Loggie liquidator brought in to wind down Forfar care home

Henderson Loggie liquidator brought in to wind down Forfar care home

Shona Campbell

Shona Campbell of Henderson Loggie has been appointed liquidator to Forfar care home Lochbank following its closure after its registration was cancelled by the Care Inspectorate.

The closure follows an inspection report in April that labelled key areas of operation as “weak”. Lochbank’s 32 staff and residents have been relocated, some to other facilities within the Kennedy Care Group, which operates the home.

The group’s director, Tom Dailey, expressed sadness over the closure but assured that their other care homes are unaffected and continue to operate normally.

Mr Dailey told The Courier: “We are also focused on securing new roles within the group for as many of our dedicated staff as possible to minimise redundancies.”

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