Grant Thornton UK expands Growth 365 service in Scotland with senior hire

Grant Thornton UK expands Growth 365 service in Scotland with senior hire

George Elliot

Following a successful first year in Scotland, Grant Thornton is set to expand its Growth 365 service for ambitious, growth-hungry CEOs.

The leading business and financial advisor has hired George Elliott, who joins the firm as Growth Adviser.

With decades of board room experience, including non-executive chairman and director roles for over 20 leading tech companies, Grant Thronton said Mr Elliot also developed a proven track record in assisting fast-growing businesses keen to operate on the global stage.

Following several years of assisting business leaders in England, Grant Thornton’s Growth 365 was officially launched last year in Scotland, enabling the firm to provide focused advice and valuable insights to enable business owners to put their expansion plans into action.

The service has already been used by a range of CEOs across a variety of sectors, from Food and Drink to Public Relations.

Andrew Howie, Grant Thornton’s managing partner in Scotland, said: “George has an enviable reputation in the business world and his work with the growing tech sector really demonstrates his understanding of the challenges and aspirations that CEOs face – particularly at that crucial point when they’re keen to expand and hungry for advice and support.

“Our Growth 365 really filled a void in Scotland. We could see the need to provide more bespoke, tailored assistance, dedicated to individual leaders on top of our advice to businesses as a whole. What is clear is that the country is more entrepreneurial than ever before, and Growth 365 can play a crucial role in helping business owners find their true, international potential.”

Mr Ellliott added: “A huge part of my career has involved facilitating growth for highly focused, driven tech firms. That’s why I can’t wait to get involved with Growth 365. We have a really rich mix of business talent in Scotland, but there’s often a lack of support for the people driving that entrepreneurial growth at the top.

“Given the uncertain economic climate right now, business owners are looking for the guidance and advice that can help them plan their long-term strategies. I’m excited to play my part in ensuring Growth 365 is at the heart of the future success of Scotland’s most dynamic leaders.”

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