Grant Thornton calls on Holyrood’s new MSPs to tackle Scotland’s export slump

Debbie Mayor
Debbie Mayor

As the fifth session of the Scottish Parliament gets underway, Grant Thornton has called on all political parties to work together to address declining exports.

The global business and financial adviser is warning that urgent action is needed to ensure the long term viability of Scotland’s export market amid continuing global political and economic uncertainty.

The latest Scottish Government statistics show the value of Scotland’s exports outside the UK in 2014 – and excluding oil and gas - was £27.5bn, down more than £920m from 2013. The decrease follows more than a decade of impressive growth in exports, with Scotland’s food & drink sector alone raising more than £4.8 billion for the country’s economy.

Debbie Mayor, Grant Thornton’s head of international in Scotland, said: “A major factor in the success of Scotland’s economy over the last decade has been the rapid growth of our exports. Businesses have worked together to tap into new markets around the world, no more so than the food and drink industry, and it’s resulted in some truly impressive gains.

“But, the latest statistics should act as a wake-up call. There is no room for complacency, particularly at a time when Scotland’s future within the European Union is in doubt. The next few months and years look set to provide further economic challenges, which makes it all the more important that we ensure the long-term sustainability of Scotland’s exports.

“While there has been a recent decline, over the long term the figures have been overwhelmingly positive, and that’s something we should all celebrate. Scotland’s latest group of MSPs is inheriting an export market in generally rude health, but one which has also felt the impact of global uncertainty. The Parliament has an opportunity to build on the previous growth by ensuring that Scotland establishes stronger trading partnerships with existing and emerging markets, and works harder than ever to reinforce Brand Scotland throughout the world.”

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