FRP Advisory appointed administrators of Countesswells Development Limited

Tom MacLennan
Tom MacLennan, Iain Fraser and Chad Griffin, partners with FRP Advisory, have been appointed joint administrators of Countesswells Development Limited (CDL), a construction and land development company.
CDL oversees the development of land at the new Countesswells community located to the West of Aberdeen. Ultimately intended to extend to 3,100 homes over 400 acres, Countesswells is an emerging community of private residential developments, affordable homes, schools, retail, commercial and leisure facilities.
Around 900 affordable and private properties and several commercial properties and community facilities have been built or are under construction by a variety of residential, commercial and public sector operators who are developing the sites in line with the master plan.
Tom MacLennan, joint administrator and partner with FRP, said: “Our immediate priority will be to secure the site and finalise current construction, including completion of much-needed affordable housing projects. We will be reviewing the various land bank assets in line with the development plans and will work closely with the various stakeholders on the future development of the site.”