Over four fifths of Scottish councils now Fairtrade zones

Over four fifths of Scottish councils now Fairtrade zones

More than 80 per cent of Scottish councils are now recognised as Fairtrade areas, along with around 100 Fairtrade communities around the country.

Scotland was recognised as a Fairtrade Nation in 2013 after all cities and a majority of our local authorities gained Fairtrade status.

There are now 26 local councils out of 32 with Fairtrade status, and South Ayrshire Council is also in the process of applying for accreditation, which will bring the total to 27.

The Fairtrade designation recognises the efforts of each local area in promoting and supporting fair pay and conditions for Fairtrade producers.

SNP MSP George Adam, said: “The growth of Fairtrade in Scotland has had a hugely positive impact on workers globally, with purchases made by Scottish consumers felt across the world.

“It is excellent news that over 80 per cent of our local authorities are currently recognised as Fairtrade areas - helping Fairtrade producers in developing countries to trade their way to a stable income and out of poverty.

“The Fairtrade sector has gone from strength to strength since Scotland was recognised as a Fairtrade nation in 2013, showing that Scottish consumers care about where their products come from.

“The more Fairtrade products we buy, the more that can be produced. I hope everyone can support Fairtrade produce this Christmas and new year to continue helping to transform the lives of those benefiting from selling their produce on Fairtrade terms.”

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