Former Tesco Bank CEO appointed as strategic adviser to Scottish National Investment Bank

Benny HIggins

Former Tesco Bank CEO Benny Higgins has been appointed strategic adviser for the establishment of the Scottish National Investment Bank.

The appointment follows Mr Higgins’ work developing an implementation plan for the bank and the Scottish Government has accepted all 21 of his report’s recommendations.

His new role will build on this work as he plays the leading role in the development of the bank, providing advice to and working with the First Minister and other ministers, and building support for the bank among civic and business organisations.

He will also work closely with the Scottish Government’s programme director to establish the foundations required to ensure the National Investment Bank drives innovation and accelerates the move to a low carbon, high-tech, connected, globally competitive and inclusive economy.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Benny Higgins appointment to drive forward the work on the Scottish National Investment Bank will see him build on the invaluable work he did to develop the implementation plan for the Bank, recognising the unique skills and insights he will bring to the delivery programme.

“Benny brings the extensive financial sector experience this project requires combined with a clear commitment to deliver a mission-driven investment bank that can help transform our economy.

“An early priority will be to bring together stakeholders from across the public and private sectors to inform the final proposals that will be included in legislation to establish Scotland’s National Investment Bank.

“The bank is a hugely exciting development for Scotland and I look forward to working with Benny Higgins to establish it as the cornerstone financial institution in Scotland’s economic architecture, promoting and providing finance to help achieve our economic ambitions.”

Mr Higgins added: “The creation of The Scottish National Investment Bank will be an essential element to underpin the future economic well-being of our country. Hard yards lie ahead, but I relish the challenge that the First Minister has set us. We will build an institution that is fit for purpose and, in particular, one that has the right values.”

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