Financial sector anticipates more home working after lockdown
The majority of financial services workers are anticipating spending more time working from home even after the coronavirus lockdown measures are lifted, according to a new survey by Deloitte.

Over three-quarters of financial services workers believe that they will work remotely at least one day a week after the lockdown measures have been eased, according to Deloitte’s poll of about 500 workers who live in London and the UK’s home counties. This compares with 41% previously.
The poll has revealed that 43% of staff expected to work from home for more than two days a week, up from 12%. Just 10% of workers said that they had endured a negative experience operating remotely, while 70% said it had been a positive experience.
The findings add to evidence that the pandemic could lead to permanent changes to working life in the financial services sector, The Times reports.
The majority of staff at banks, insurers and asset managers are working from home. There are growing signs that many of these employees expect to spend fewer hours in the office after lockdown restrictions have been lifted.
A survey carried out this month by Deutsche Bank found that almost two-thirds of traders and fund managers believed that they would work remotely for at least one day once the worst of the crisis had passed.
Richard Hammell of Deloitte, said: “The City will need to use this experience to reconsider the employee proposition that underpins the financial services industries. Far from being the death of the City, it’s a chance to shape it for the future.”
Respondents to the Deloitte survey who found remote working a positive experience gave the lack of a commute as their main reason.
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