Faith Simpson named ACCA’s UK advocate of the year

Faith Simpson
Faith Simpson

Faith Simpson has been recognised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) as its UK advocate of the year.

The accountant, with offices in Edinburgh and Huntly, was celebrated at a London awards ceremony attended by 500 members and guests, where she was lauded by ACCA vice president Robert Stenhouse for her extensive mentoring of students around the world.

In 2017, Ms Simpson spoke to over 400 accountancy students in Indonesia across three universities about entrepreneurship following the successes of her business. She returned in 2018 to speak to a further 200 students across two universities further and emphasising ACCA’s global support and reach.

Claire Bennison, head of ACCA UK, said: “We are delighted to honour Faith Simpson with the Advocate of the Year award for the UK. Faith has shown an immense sense of pride in her own achievement of qualifying and gaining membership and her efforts to openly express this pride have changed people’s lives, inspiring them for the better.

“Faith’s advocacy truly reflects ACCA values particularly those of opportunity, diversity and integrity. Advocacy is not a programme but a culture and we encourage all our members to embody this spirit. Congratulations Faith.”

Commenting on her win, Ms Simpson said: “I am honoured and overwhelmed to receive this award. The work I do in Indonesia and Scotland for ACCA comes from a passion to share my experiences as an entrepreneur as well as a Fellow.

“I’m glad that in 1996 I stuck my ground with my then employer to further pursue my finance career with the ACCA, which was far more relevant and globally transferrable qualification. My desire is to give something back to the profession and I look forward to visiting even more universities in Indonesia and beyond to share my experiences as an ACCA member.”

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