Edinburgh Tax Network: Family Investment Companies Webinar

The Edinburgh Tax Network, in conjunction with CIOT, ATT and Terra Firma Chambers, will present a webinar which will take an in-depth look at Family Investment Companies (FICS) on 13 July 2021 from 2pm to 5pm.
The speakers Ritchie Tout of Mazars, Alex Docherty and Billy Cleland of Johnston Carmichael, and Derek Francis of Terra Firma Chambers, will explore issues including valuation, the holding of shares in FICs through trusts – and the planning interplay between the two – and the risk of challenge through the settlements code and its management.
The seminar has been accredited by the Faculty of Advocates as contributing 3 hours of CPD for its own members and is eligible for a similar award from the Law Society for the solicitor branch of the profession.
There is a charge of £60 for CIOT/ATT members, £48 for CIOT/ATT Students and £66 for non-members. For more information and to register, please visit the event page here.