DSL Business Finance appoints two loan officers
DSL Business Finance (DSL) has appointed two more loan officers to support business growth and development in Scotland.

Mark Lagan, Stuart Yuill and Paul Toner
Mark Lagan and Paul Toner are due to join the DSL team, providing a combined total of 29 years of financial services experience.
Mark Lagan has 12 years’ banking experience gained from roles including business development manager at Clydesdale Bank, and local business manager and credit manager with Lloyds Banking Group. As a loan officer at DSL, Lagan will be responsible for supporting entrepreneurs across various sectors, with a central focus on delivering digital development loans to those seeking to digitise their businesses.
Paul Toner brings 17 years’ experience from Clydesdale Bank, Lloyds Banking Group and Bank of Scotland having previously worked in relationship management and customer support roles. He will build on this previous experience at DSL, providing support for entrepreneurs based in the Central Belt.
In his new role, Toner will ensure both start-ups and established businesses across the Central Belt receive the best possible support with their applications. All applicants receive face-to-face pre-loan and aftercare support from loan officers who are based throughout Scotland, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness.
In the run-up to Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight 2019 starting on 31 August, DSL has supported an array of businesses in those sectors within the last 25 years. One example is Davide Angeletti, founder and owner of Moody Stag Brewery and Ovenbird Coffee Roasters in Govan.
Angeletti received four loans across his two ventures totalling more than £50,000 of funding from DSL, which helped the company to invest in brewing equipment and a coffee roaster to enhance the business and diversify its coffee range which is sold in both retail and wholesale markets.
He said: “The finance and support I’ve received from DSL has been invaluable in helping me grow my Ovenbird and Moody Stag businesses in Glasgow. Their knowledge of the needs of small and growing food and drink companies has really helped with my expansion and diversification.”
DSL executive director, Stuart Yuill, said: “Both Mark and Paul’s appointments recognise the continued growth and expansion of DSL in supporting more entrepreneurs across the country. SMEs are prospering in the economy despite the uncertain political and economic landscape, which is a testament to the commitment, determination and entrepreneurial spirit of business owners across Scotland.
“Mark and Paul’s 29 years of banking experience add to that of the already very experienced team at DSL and I am confident they will enable us to assist even more Scottish businesses to start-up, grow and flourish.”
DSL is an alternative finance provider supporting enterprise across the country by providing loans of up to £50,000 to SMEs and social enterprises. The two new appointments mean that DSL now has a total of six loan officers delivering much-needed funding to businesses in Scotland.