Dragons’ Den hopeful scoops accolade at FSB Scotland awards

Robbie MacIsaac with Nicola Ewing of Highlands and Islands Enterprise
A young entrepreneur seeking to revolutionise the world of piping was among the winners at the Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) Scottish Celebrating Small Business Awards, held yesterday in Glasgow.
Engineering student Robbie MacIsaac, 22, won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year prize, beating tough competition that included a pet spa, a high-school aged soap impresario and Scotland’s first mobile pasta salesperson.
Mr MacIsaac, who appeared on the BBC series Dragons’ Den earlier this year, was recognised for creating a device which will revolutionise the way pipers care for not only their instruments but their own health.
He said: “I’m so excited about what winning this award will mean for my business. It was great to get the profile boost on TV a few weeks ago, but this award is a clear signal that I have a really strong business that’s only going to get stronger.”
With the ceremony having taken place on International Women’s Day, Carolyn Currie, chief executive of Women’s Enterprise Scotland, also addressed finalists, underlining the importance of embracing equity as highlighted by this year’s International Women’s Day theme.
Ms Currie said: “It was a real treat to speak at FSB’s awards today, recognising small businesses of all kinds. I was especially pleased to see so many women-led enterprises amongst the nominees and winners.
“It was a particular thrill to meet FSB’s youngest ever awards nominee, a young woman of only 13 who’s making real strides in her own business.
“We share a number of goals with FSB, including the improvement of access to finance for women and the allocation of greater resources to women’s business initiatives in Scotland, and we look forward to continuing to work together on these important issues.”
FSB’s Scotland regional chair Pauline Weddell added: “After yet another extremely challenging year for our smallest operators, it was really heartening to be able to recognise so many wonderful businesses who have thrived in spite of the challenges they have faced.
“We know that smaller businesses will be the key to trading our way out of economic hardship and the innovation and determination we saw in the room today really drove that point home.”