Digital debt chat a Scottish first

Digital debt chat a Scottish first

A new digital ‘chat’ facility has gone live to give residents in Inverclyde the chance to get real time help with debt.

It is thought to be the first time live chat facilities have been used by a Scottish council to provide money advice.

The new service is available on the advice and benefits section of the Inverclyde Council website.

Residents worried about debt can chat live online to a money advisor who can provide help and advice for their particular circumstances.

Inverclyde Council Leader and Welfare and Financial Inclusion Champion, councillor Stephen McCabe, said: “The money advisors deliver a free and confidential service to residents looking to fix debt problems.

“In the past year alone they have supported residents with over £4.1m worth of problem debt.

“This new online chat facility takes the free, confidential service into a new location where residents can get expert advice tailored to their needs.

“Whether it is credit card debt or mortgage and rent arrears, the Council’s money advisors will be able to provide a solution and because the service is entirely free, there are no additional costs being added to your debt.”

The ‘live chat’ pilot project is funded by the Scottish Legal Aid Board and The Money Advice Service and is being delivered by Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership’s Advice Service team.

The aim is to deliver debt and benefit advice for people living and working in the Inverclyde area.

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