Daily subscribers to Scottish Housing News exceeds 7,000 as website users rise to over 69,000

Last weekend, the number of daily subscribers to our sister publication Scottish Housing News broke through 7,000 on the back of record website traffic for August with 69,209 unique visitors accessing the website.
The number of Twitter followers for Scottish Housing News, which was established in 2001, has now reached over 12,900.
Welcoming the news, managing editor Graham Ogilvy said: “These are great figures for Scottish Housing News, confirming it as Scotland’s pre-eminent daily media for the social housing sector.
“We are offering our advertisers ever greater value as our audience grows. The success of Scottish Housing News is a testament to the hard work of editor Kieran Findlay and his back-up team of Lauren Brown, Connor Beaton, Jeff Anderson and Jim Ross.”
He added: “Scottish Housing News, along with its sister publications – Scottish Construction Now, Scottish Legal News and Scottish Financial News – is one of the very few online media success stories to emerge in Scotland in the last 20 years and I would like to thank all of our readers, advertisers and supporters for their support over the years.”