Application period for UKEB Investor Advisory Group extended

The Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) UKEB has extended the deadline to recruit members for its Investor Advisory Group (IAG) to Tuesday, 26 April 2022.
The UKEB is establishing six advisory groups that will provide specialist knowledge and information as input into its technical decision-making.
The four standing advisory groups will be for: Academics, Accounting Firms & Institutes, Investors and Preparers. These groups will be chaired by UKEB Board Members. Two ad hoc advisory groups, for Financial Institutions and Rate Regulated Activities, will also be set up and will be Chaired by senior members of the Secretariat.
Campaigns to recruit members for the two ad hoc groups will commence after the recruitment of the standing groups has been completed.
Please email for more information or to arrange an informal chat. The UKEB is keen to ensure that the memberships of the groups represent a diverse range of skills, experience, and backgrounds, and welcomes applications from all interested parties.