And finally…84 per cent of UK professionals working beyond contracted hours
New research has revealed that 84 per cent of UK workers are working beyond their contracted hours, with those in high level positions most likely to work more than 10 hours over their contracted hours (42 per cent) compared to 21 per cent of entry level employees respondents.
Global professional services recruiter, Morgan McKinley’s Working Hours survey of 2,600 professionals in sectors such as banking and finance, found that 75 per cent of employees felt obligated to work beyond their contracted hours, yet businesses are not rewarding these staff, with only 13 per cent stating that they are compensated for working extra hours.
The figures revealed that only 32 per cent of professionals believe that they are productive during the extra hours that they work.
A third (34 per cent) don’t take their lunch break at all, with millennials (21 per cent) being the largest group to have a working day without their lunch break.
When they do finally leave the office, 3 in 4 are sometimes/always working from a mobile device after they leave the office – 46 per cent of C-level professionals work out from their mobile however only 9 per cent of entry level do this.
David Leithead, UK chief operations officer, Morgan McKinley, said: “Many people work more hours than they are paid for, often because they feel obligated to, rather than because of a belief that it’s a productive exercise.”
He continued: “Businesses are facing an alarming burnout and need to evolve work practices. During the day, many employees don’t take any kind of lunch break. Then three quarters of them feel obligated to work beyond their contracted hours, yet they don’t feel that is productive. And when they do finally leave the office, they are always on-call. If not managed carefully, these factors can cause employee stress and burnout, and poor business performance.”
Many businesses have a widening gap between modern business philosophy around smart working, and the reality of old fashioned noses to the grindstone.
Over half of respondents said that they believe more flexibility would add to their productivity, showing the demand for flexible work arrangements.
Although more employees do have the option to work from home and flexible start/finish times, the findings suggest a culture of flexible working is not yet embedded.
The majority indicated flexible and remote working arrangements are offered on a discretionary basis or in extenuating circumstances rather than as part of an overall package.
Mr Leithead concluded: “Employers may have good intentions but many have a long way to go in finding a solution, helping their employees to find the right balance and re-educating old school management to ensure that they attract and retain talent,” said David. “Not least because the new millennial generation won’t embrace this, they simply won’t put up with it - which spells longer term problems that big companies can’t afford to ignore.”