And finally… industry urges Scots to back campaign for haggis emoji

With other national food favourites such as pizza, sushi, pretzels, burritos and croissants already boasting well-established emoji status, producers of Scotland’s national dish are now calling for the same recognition.
In what has been designated ‘The Year of Haggis’ and with Burn’s Night merely days away, haggis makers, McCaskie Butchers, have launched a campaign and called on Scots all over the UK to lend their support.
Originally developed in Japan, emojis have been in international use since 2011, hitting the mainstream in 2015 when the Oxford English Dictionary named an emoji one of its ‘words’ of the year.
Since then, many have claimed that the ‘language of the emoji’ is the most universal language there is.
Nigel Ovens, owner of McCaskie Butchers said: “In the run up to Burn’s Night, and indeed at other times of year, I want to be able to share my enthusiasm via text message and on social media and so I hunted for a haggis emoji – without success! I really believe a haggis emoji would be well used as a great way to celebrate Scotland’s famous dish but also as a great way to celebrate Scotland as a whole.
“We wanted to launch this campaign so that haggis lovers could demonstrate their passion for the dish, share recipes and help this wonderful product to be recognised by this ubiquitous and modern international language. Tourists visiting Scotland may also have some fun by using the haggis emoji as part of their messages to friends and family at home! If haggis is given the distinction of being granted its own emoji then the wider message is strong that the product is moving with the times, appealing to the masses and continuing to make our nation proud of its food heritage all year round as well as on Burn’s Night.
“I hope that members of the public, chefs, politicians, foodies, tourists and anyone with a passion for Scotland or a love of haggis supports this campaign, as well as enjoying a tasty haggis meal on Burn’s Night! Don’t forget that vegetarian haggis is also available.
“With Burn’s Night next week, we are launching this campaign today to gather as many supporters as possible before the day itself. I should like for every haggis producer to benefit from this campaign as we give haggis the recognition it deserves and put it on the emoji map. Let’s get #haggisemoji trending!”
Graeme Sharp, marketing executive with Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), said: “Scotland is internationally renowned for its iconic national dish so what better way to spread the word and inspire people to buy haggis this Burn’s Night than a haggis emoji?!
“I would like to encourage Scotland’s consumers to get behind this campaign as I’m sure a haggis emoji would prove to be a big hit both at home and abroad.”
People can support the campaign in two ways:
Use #haggisemoji on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to share your love of haggis or your favourite haggis recipe – those who use the hashtag will have the chance of winning a range of prizes!
Sign the petition calling for a haggis emoji at