And finally… crypto-conservation

The African Conservation Foundation (ACF) has launched an NFT project to raise $1.2 million (£0.97m) for the conservation of the critically endangered Cross River gorilla.
With fewer than 300 individuals remaining in the wild, the foundation aims to create protected areas and corridors while training rangers in monitoring and conservation techniques.
The NFT collection includes 8,001 unique digital art pieces inspired by Cross River gorillas, African Wild Dogs, and Okapi. Among the items for sale, one NFT will be sold for a million dollars, offering the buyer a luxury safari experience documented in a feature film.
Additionally, five randomly assigned NFTs from the Cross River Gorilla collection will grant holders access to a free African expedition to support the charity’s work.
This initiative, developed in partnership with web3 start-up ‘We Are Meta’, aims to raise over £1.6 million for habitat preservation and the future security of the Cross River gorilla population.
Henry Eames, MD at We Are Meta, said: “Speaking to the ACF and hearing the urgent need for action we couldn’t help but try this new approach to fundraising.
“We can’t wait to see who will get the Million Dollar Gorilla, but there are thousands of other NFTs starting from just a few dollars. This mission needs support from as many people as possible.”