And finally… a king’s ransom

King Albert II (Image: CC BY 2.0)

Belgium’s former king will be fined €5,000 a day until he agrees to take part in a court-ordered paternity test.

King Albert II, who abdicated in 2013, was ordered last year to submit to a DNA test after a woman claiming to be his daughter took out court proceedings.

However, more than half a year later, Albert has still not submitted to the test, CNN reports.

The Brussels Court of Appeal has now ruled that he must submit to a test or face a fine of €5,000 per day.

Albert’s lawyer Guy Hiernaux told CNN that the former monarch was “out of the country” and had not yet responded to the ruling.

However, Mr Hiernaux added: “I think he will accept the test because it will be confidential, so there is no reason not to do it.”


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