Aberdein Considine strengthens sports law practice in partnership with youth football agent

Darren Walker and Robert Holland
Law firm Aberdein Considine has partnered with Scottish youth football player representative Darren Walker as it continues to strengthen its sports law practice.
Mr Walker, who acts for many promising young footballers across Scotland, will be working with Aberdein Considine as a consultant as the firm continues to grow its sports law offering.
He initially began his career as a player representative when his own son was released from Livingston in 2010 and he focused primarily on ensuring that his son and a number of other young players were able to secure new clubs.
Prior to working as an agent Mr Walker held a number of senior sales and business development roles with national companies and he spent four years working independently to build his agency practice.
During this period he was approached by one of the world’s largest agencies, SEG International, and having worked successfully with a number of SEG clients he has been independent again for the last two years.
Mr Walker has operated as a professional football agent across domestic markets as well as working with a range of players in different countries including Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, Belgium, Poland and Japan. He also played with Hibs and St Johnstone as a youth player.
Given the new rules around bringing new workers to the UK from Europe following Brexit, the last couple of years has seen interest grow in young Scottish footballers from the biggest clubs in England.
Many youth players can move from earning relatively small amounts to significant salaries and there is a requirement to provide the appropriate financial and legal support.
In addition to its law practice, Aberdein Considine also operates an independent financial adviser network, an independent mortgage broker division and is a Scottish solicitor estate agent.
Robert Holland, who recently joined Aberdein Considine as head of employment law, and who has also played football at semi-professional level for Edinburgh City, has a particular interest in sports law having represented numerous professionals in a number of sports including football, rugby and athletics.
Commenting on the new partnership, Mr Holland, who has worked with Mr Walker for a number of years, was keen to highlight the type of support that a young player might need, both at the start and throughout their careers.
Mr Holland said: “Working with Darren I have seen at first hand the type of help many young players will require, especially if they are involved in a major transfer.
With their primary focus on playing football it can be easy for young players miss out on receiving the best advice and in many cases they might be getting advice from those who are not financial, property or legal professionals.
Mr Walker said: “This is a unique partnership we’ve formed and it provides a one stop shop for any youth player.
“In the midst of the excitement of getting a big transfer and throughout their careers, it’s so important for young players to know they have access to the best independent, professional advice, and this is what we’ll be offering.”
Russell Anderson, a former youth player and captain of Aberdeen FC who is now an independent financial adviser with Aberdein Considine, added: “Having been a youth player, I’m well aware of the importance of having the right advice available at all times.
“This is vital for any young professional, and the service we’ll be offering at Aberdein Considine will provide the necessary support they’ll need now and as they progress through their career.”