Glasgow approves plans for property and land strategy

Glasgow City Council has approved the Built Heritage, Community Asset, Vacant and Derelict Land Asset Plans underpinning it Property and Land Strategy.

Glasgow approves plans for property and land strategy

Earlier this year, the council approved its Property and Land Strategy, put in place to ensure the council makes the best use of its substantial estate, the biggest in Glasgow with more than 1,000 operational properties.

These three asset plans will support this strategy, with the Community Asset Plan reflecting the council’s commitment to the greater involvement and empowerment of Glaswegians, the Built Heritage Plan providing a consistent and considered approach to the stewardship of the council’s built heritage, and the Vacant and Derelict Land Plan addressing the potential blight, cost and missed opportunity that vacant and derelict properties and land can represent for both the council and the city.

To deliver Asset Plan objectives, work will now progress to establish what resources are required, targets to be set and the identification of initial priorities for action, communications and engagement arrangements with communities.

Councillor Kenny McLean, city convener for neighbourhoods, housing and public realm at Glasgow City Council, said: “The approval of these asset plans is an important step in delivering the council’s Property and Land Strategy, leading to better use of our estate and the regeneration of areas across the city.”

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